

by Millie Bysh

I sit here watching

As they storm in

Marching forward

As the cops march back

They scale the walls

Someone holds zip cuffs

They were planning to take hostages

They come in waves

Swarming up the marble steps

As if returning home

From a long day at work

Waving their upturned flags

Crying out to their beloved leader

Who replies to his 'very special' fans

As they clutch their guns

And plant their bombs

Five people were killed.

One man's sign read

"Liberty or death:

don't tread on me"

As if the cop's boot

Was on his neck

And not George Floyd's

For eight minutes and forty-six seconds

He couldn't breathe.

One cop poses for a selfie with a protestor

Because terrorism isn't white

Rioters are not white

Like Fox News said,

"Unlike the BLM protests

there's no vandalism

other than the breaking into the Capitol"

I keep scrolling

To see that, meanwhile,

In Joe Biden's head,

"America is so much better

than what we're seeing today."

So I shut my laptop

And close my eyes.

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