Since COVID colonised our social and political life, Kuwait has seen an unprecedented rise in racism, xenophobia and classism. This talk will figure this social phenomenon as one rooted in a crisis of migrant labor - a crisis that seems to have no real solution.

Research Hour


Neil Vickers, 'Scientific Disagreements on Covid and its Future' and Alan Marshall, 'Testing Testing: "Trying to Talk with a Man"'

Support for informal dementia carers has been a challenge to healthcare practice and policy at least since the 1980s. Offering a snapshot on a range of materials, this intervention seeks to situate the ongoing care crisis within the wider context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It shares lived experience from lobbying Local Authorities and reads carer...

Using story and video, this interactive session for undergraduate students will focus on experiences of feeling caught in time, and the sense of coming from a time to which we can never return. How can we speak to this unprecedented time of change, when everything feels different and in flux?

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